Virtual Classroom

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Thinking and Working as Artists--Paint-Artists Explore

Artists Explore
Today we are we are going to explore another way to use the tool we used last week. Explore means, to try new things, or find new ways to do something.
Today we are pulling our paint!

Mixing the two colors (use red and yellow for this lesson)

Red and yellow tempera
9x12 white paper

After students pull paint and cover paper, play video during transition:
Put out black tempera and detail brushes. 

Artists Explore:
What are you interested exploring, or learning more about?
Students paint a picture of something that they want to explore, using black paint and a detail brush. 
Photo  and lesson idea from Kindergarten Art/ Mary Ellen Picker

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thinking and Working as Artists-Printmaking

Lines Make Shapes-- PRINTING!

Be a shape detective...
What shapes can you find in these pictures?

How might you print these shapes with the straight line tool? 

Where a Line Bends a Shape Begins 
(Play before shape discussion)

Printing shapes with a straight line tool.
1. Demonstrate making basic geometric shapes. 
2. Have students practice first without paint to understand how to place their printing tool.
3. Students may get a second sheet of paper to create their own composition, or they may continue on with their first. 

How was printing shapes different from painting shapes? How was it the same?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Extra Art--Sculpture

Pipe Cleaner Sculpture

Today we are making a sculpture with clay, pipe cleaners and beads. 
Sculpture is three-dimensional. It has height, width, and depth. You can look at it from many sides and it stands up and is not flat. 

What kind of sculpture can you make using clay, pipe cleaners and beads?

1. Roll clay base into a ball, and flatten just a little bit so it makes a good base. 
2. Choose pipe cleaners to add to your sculpture. 
3. Press an end of a pipe cleaner into the clay base.
4. Bend and twist the wire, adding a few beads as you go.
5. Add pipe cleaners one at a time, carefully adding beads and pushing wire into the clay base. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Thinking and Working as Artists-Sculpture

Making a Paper Playground Sculpture:

Today we are going to make a paper sculpture of a playground. Sculpture is three-dimensional. You can see it from many sides because it stands up from the base. 

Think about last time you played on a playground...
What were some of your favorite things to play on?

photo from

Look for lines and shapes as you watch!

Paper sculpture techniques:

Extra Art-Invitation to Create: Monsters

This week during extra art we are making monsters! 
We are using skills we have learned about in previous lessons, such as cutting, arranging and gluing with control.

1. Have students round the corners of a square and rectangle to make a circle and an oval for the head and body.
2. Students will cut paper and arrange shapes to make a monster.
3. Glue down to paper, wipe away any extra glue with a paper towel.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Extra Art--What's your Name?

Name Mosaic

Lesson and Image from

  1. Write name in pencil on black paper
  2. (Review Glue Procedures from last week) Glue squares along lines
  3. Make sure to only use one dot of glue for each square!
  4. Wipe away any extra glue 

Play while working for fun!
What's your Name?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Thinking and Working As Artists-Creating Shapes

2 Techniques for Painting Shapes-
Painting with Blobs and Outlines
August Light, Hans Hoffmann
What shapes do you see?
How do you think the artist moved his arm to make these shapes? 
Can you tell if the artist was painting a shape with up and down brushstrokes or side to side brushstrokes?

Painting Shapes:

Blob Method
  • Dip brush in water to water
  • Load your brush with paint
  • Move the paint up and down, or back and forth until you have a shape that resembles a square.
Outline Method
  • Paint two vertical lines. 
  • Cross them with two horizontal lines so that you have a square.
  • Fill the square with paint. Demonstrate both methods of painting another shape, such as a circle or a triangle.
Paint the white spaces, leave the shapes so we can see them.
Remember to rinse and wipe the brush.

  • Give students tiny brushes and black tempera to paint on top of their shapes.
We like the Shapes!