Virtual Classroom

Sunday, December 20, 2020

AMI-X Air Dry Clay

 2 Ingredient

Air Dry Clay

Artists are very creative people and can come up with lots of ways to make art, even if they don't have a lot of supplies. 

Have you ever used something that isn't an art supply to make art? Maybe cardboard, masking tape, a sock, leaves...

This week we can explore that idea by making our very own clay! The best part is it only uses 2 ingredients that many people have at home, Flour and Hair Conditioner. Watch this video...

1/2 cup Flour (or cornstarch)
4 Tbl. Hair conditioner (or lotion)

If you enjoyed this activity, there are many other recipes for making clay. I found several by doing a search for 'air dry clay'.

Don't forget to share pictures of your creations on our Facebook Page!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Mitten

 Do you have a special pair of mittens? Or maybe a special hat or blanket that someone made for you?

Today we are going to listen to a story about a boy and his mittens.

We are going to make our own mitten, and a collection of animals to put inside.

Day 2 Book

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Invitation to Create - Snowmen


Tis the time of year for all things cold and wintery, especially Snowmen! 

But we don't always have snow to build one with.

Is there anything else we could use when we get the inspiration to make a snowman?

'Snowballs' is a book that might give us some ideas.

Can you make your own collage snowman?

Can you use your imagination and give your snowy friend a personality and a name?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Cloud Painting

Have You Ever Made Art Inspired by Clouds in the Sky? 


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

Today we are going to imagine that we are looking up at the clouds in the sky. Paint what you see.


Large White Paper
Blue Watercolor
Sharpie and Crayons

Video Lesson

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Giving Thanks

When was the last time you said "Thank You"?

Thank you are two pretty special words.

Maybe you said "Thank you" when your teacher tied your shoes, or your friend said "I like your art"

It is always a good time to say Thank You, but this week we celebrate something called Thanksgiving
Basically a whole day dedicated to giving thanks for the good things in our lives. 

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my pets.

I am thankful for YOU!

There are many ways to say thank you. Can you think of any?
- Writing a note
- Doing something nice for someone
- Giving a gift

There is another way to say thank you. We can use sign language! 
Let's practice.

Next time when you want to say "thank you", use your sign language.

Let's listen to a story about giving thanks. It may help us remember all the wonderful things that are in the world around us.

One of the things I am most thankful for is the food I eat each day. 
That is something all humans share, we all need and appreciate the food the eat.
We can make a symbol for food, by creating a piece of Maize, a kind of corn. It is colorful and interesting. 
This corn can help us remember to say "Thank You"

Monday, November 16, 2020


 collection is a group of things.

What kinds of things do people collect?

Why do people have collections?

Today you will make a collage. You will cut pictures out of  magazines to make a collection of your own. 

How did you decide which pictures to choose for your collection?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

My Favorite Things


I am an Artist-These are a few of my Favorite Things 

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

What were some of the children's favorite things?

Artists are inspired by things they like and do. 
Today we are going to be drawing some of our favorite things. 

Large piece of paper
Sharpie or marker
Crayons/markers to color after drawing (optional)

Demo Video

What are your favorite things?
Favorite animal?
Favorite food?
Favorite season?
Favorite insect?
Favorite activity?
Favorite toy?
Favorite game?
Favorite outfit?
Favorite movie character?
Favorite holiday?
Favorite people?

Circle the drawing of your most favorite thing!
Color if you have time!

Share/Reflect: Share your one very favorite thing

Monday, October 26, 2020

Where ARE the wild things?

 This week we will read a beloved story, Where The Wild Things Are

This book has inspired children for decades to imagine a magical place full of fantastic creatures.

After reading the story, we will use our imaginations to create our own beasts and monsters.

Markers & Crayons
Construction paper (red & white)

Video for instructions

Monday, October 19, 2020

Thinking and Working as Artists: Painting Shapes

With a Paintbrush We Can Create Shapes.


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

How do you think this artist moved his brush to create these shapes?

August Light, Hans Hoffmann
What shapes do you see?

Can you tell if the artist was painting a shape with up and down brushstrokes or side to side brushstrokes?

2 ways to create shapes:

Blob Method
  • Dip brush in water to water
  • Load your brush with paint
  • Move the paint up and down, or back and forth until you have a shape that resembles a square.
Outline Method
  • Paint two vertical lines. 
  • Cross them with two horizontal lines so that you have a square.
  • Fill the square with paint. Demonstrate both methods of painting another shape, such as a circle or a triangle.
Paint the white spaces, leave the shapes so we can see them.
Remember to rinse and wipe the brush.

  • Give students tiny brushes and black tempera to paint on top of their shapes.

Art talk questions:
1. Did you paint shapes in different sizes?
2. Did you paint any geometric shapes? How about free-form shapes?

We like the Shapes!

Paint (tempera, cake tempera, watercolors)
If you don't use paint, markers, crayons or oil pastels can be used)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Chalk Pastels


Thinking and Working as Artists-Chalk Pastel


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

What happens when you put one color on top of another?
What happens when you blend with your finger?
What happens when you press harder/lighter when you color with a pastel?

What can I do with a Chalk Pastel?

A chalk pastel is made from a powdery substance that is used for drawing and comes in many different colors.

Chalk pastels have a soft look, and can be blended easily.

Mary Cassatt-Little Girl in a Big Hat

On the Cliff-Theodore Robinson
Lynn Morgan-The OrangeWoods

Today we are going to explore and discover how to use chalk pastels!

  • Two ways to hold a pastel, tip and side
  • Changing pressure 
  • Layering colors
  • Blending with one finger
Technique Video for Chalk Pastels

-A few sticks of colored chalk, sidewalk chalk or chalk pastels.
-Your printmaking project from last week or a drawing done with a black marker or black paint.

Monday, October 5, 2020


Thinking and Working as Artists-Printmaking


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

How is printing different than painting?
Can you think of something else you could dip in paint to make a print?

Lines Make Shapes-- PRINTING!
Be a shape detective...
What shapes can you find in these pictures?

How might you print these shapes with the straight line tool? 

Where a Line Bends a Shape Begins 
(Play before shape discussion)

Printing shapes with a straight line tool.

Video of printmaking techniques

1. Demonstrate making basic geometric shapes. 
2. Have students practice first without paint to understand how to place their printing tool.
3. Students may get a second sheet of paper to create their own composition, or they may continue on with their first. 

- Tempera paint
- Paper

- Cardboard pieces

Monday, September 28, 2020

Sculpture - Paper Playground

 Making a Paper Playground Sculpture:


- Paper strips 1" wide

- Base

- Glue stick or Elmer's Glue

Today we are going to make a paper sculpture of a playground. Sculpture is three-dimensional. You can see it from many sides because it stands up from the base. 

Think about last time you played on a playground...
What were some of your favorite things to play on?

photo from

Look for lines and shapes as you watch!

Paper sculpture techniques:
Accordian Fold 

Video for techniques

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Artists at Work: Tearing and cutting with paper

  Paper Play! 


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

A. Play & Ideation

Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

Tearing Paper
Artists sometimes use their hands to tear paper. 
What kind of shapes do you see?
Why do you think this artist used torn shapes? 

from Leo Lionni's book Frederick

Paper tearing:

  • With the grain
  • Against the grain
  • Finger position
  • Tearing a Line
  • Tearing a Shape

Video for tearing and cutting

Cutting Paper
Artists use scissors to change the shape of paper.  
How can you tell that the artist cut these shapes with scissors?
What shapes do you see?

The Snail by Henri Matisse

Cutting Shapes:
  • Using Scissors
    -safety-how to hold
    -scissors poem
  • Cutting squares, rectangles, and triangles
    -using more than one strategy

Arranging Shapes: 

What will you think about as you arrange your shapes? 

Try several arrangements

Dog made by Kindergarten student

Share Time/Reflection:
What two ways can you make shapes with paper? 
What kind of shapes can you make by tearing? cutting? 
Which method to you enjoy most?