Virtual Classroom

Monday, August 30, 2021

Making Art from Natural Materials

 Artists work with Natural Materials

Materials for making art are all around us!
Some artists make art from natural materials.

  • Intro, Watch first part of video
  • Pass out rocks, students sort rocks
  • Video part 2, Students arrange their rocks to create pictures, stories, etc.
  • Book
How did you decide to sort your rocks? 
How did you decide to arrange your rocks?


         original lesson 8/24/16

                Artmaking Using Natural Materials

Materials for making art are all around us!
Some artists make art from natural materials.

What are natural materials? 
Can you tell what natural materials these artists used to make their art?

Arranging Stones
Explore the Materials:

  • Special stones
  • How many ways can you think of to sort the stones?
  • Describe arrangement and title work.

How did you decide to sort your rocks? 
Did you work alone or with a  partner/ as a table?
How did you decide to arrange your rocks?

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Welcome to Kindergarten Art!


Introduction to Art

Students come in and stand on line. Quick Greeting-

This year you will have a special place to sit when you come to art class.
I'm going to show you those special places now.
I want you to listen for your name. When you hear your name come over to me.
Sit in your special place. I will point to it.

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery
and art making. We will draw, collage, paint, make sculpture. We are going to learn
what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist, because we are all artists.

Next we are going to listen to a book about a girl named Regina who learns a lot about what it means to be an artist. Who felt brave today coming to school? Artists are brave. In the story Regina learns what it means to be brave when making art.

Now we are going to create some art....
Think about something beautiful (Envision)
-think about something you love
-what do you think is really cool?
Can you draw a picture of that ?

glue stick
paper shapes/newspaper
google eyes (1 set)

Clean up expectations:
Clean up song:
1. Silent/no talking
2. Everyone should help clean up their table
3.Put your head down

Art Song
What did you make?
What drawing materials did you use?

*Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .
In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.
Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

Line Up Time.
Practice line up expectations.
Feet on tape
Facing forward

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Kindergarten Names

Alma and How She Got Her Name

                                                                 by Juana Martinez Neal

Accompaniment Track

Practice Track

Click Here for the music with WORDS

Click Here for the music without the WORDS

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

AMIX Day- KG Puppets

 Puppets are fun to make and great for imaginative play. 

You can make puppets many ways! 

First, you will need to decide what kind of puppet you want to make. 

  • What kind of materials will you use?
  • Is it an animal, human, machine, or creature?

You can name your puppet, and think of how you might like to use your puppet.

Some suggestions: 
Your puppet can sing a song to your family!
Your puppet can tell jokes!
You can use your puppet to read to your younger sibling, or a pet! 
You can create several puppets, plan, and perform a puppet show!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pinch pots-Hands as tools

Today, we are making pinch pots out of clay! 

Natural clay comes from the earth. It is made up of fine-grained particles of rock that are broken down over many years and then mixed with water. Clay can be different colors ranging from grey to red-orange, to brown.

The color of the clay depends on the rocks and minerals that it is made of. 

Can you think of things made from clay? 
Flower pots, plates, cups, bowls, sculptures and bricks are all made from clay.

You can make a pinch pot with clay by making a ball, pressing your thumb into the clay and squeezing it between your finger and your thumb.

The only art tool we will need to make our pinch pots is our hands!

Steps to making a pinch pot

Dave the Potter

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Unit 3 - Explore Buildings and Communities - Interiors

My Bedroom


7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

A. Perceive

Identify uses of art within one's personal environment

Do you have any art in your home or in your bedroom? Do you have a lamp that is shaped like a dinosaur or a unicorn? A designer made that. 

We spent several weeks exploring buildings in art class. But everything so far has been about the outside.  Today let's explore the inside of houses.  The inside is certainly just as important!

Draw a Picture of your Bedroom!

Bedroom Furniture

Art with Mati and Dada: Van Gogh

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Unit 3 - Explore Buildings and Communities-Painting Expressionist Houses

 Expressionist Houses


8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

A. Interpret

Interpret art by identifying and describing subject matter.

Interpret art by identifying subject matter and describing details. Why do you think that the artist uses expressive colors? How would you feel if you lived in this town? 


Expressionists were a group of artists that wanted to show their feelings about the things they painted, not just to make a copy of the things they saw in real life.

Franz Marc painted this picture of two blue horses. Are horses blue? No, but Franz Marc painted them blue to show the world how he felt about horses. He felt that they were special, almost magical creatures.

Wasilly Kandinsky painted these houses using vibrant colors, a lot like the paintings we looked at last week by Enest Kirchner. Do you  see  in the foreground of the painting the rocks colored purple, green and blue?  And notice the beautiful sky in the background, i see pink, red, blue, green and yellow. Almost a rainbow sky. He must have loved painting skies very much.

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff painted this portrait of a woman sitting in a chair. When he painted this over 100 years ago, many people did not like it. They found it shocking that he used so many colors, and said, that's not what a person looks like. They didn’t appreciate his imagination and creativity. He didn’t listen to them and kept painting, and now his artwork hangs in museums all over the world and is loved by many.

When we paint our houses, we are going to use expressionist colors.

Tempera Paint using expressive color

alternate painting lesson tempera block

My Blue is Happy: A Book About Expressive Colors

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Unit 3 - Explore Buildings & Communities - Expressive Houses

Expressive Houses


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

Have you ever seen a beautiful house or tall skyscraper and thought "I would like to paint a picture of that"

Or maybe you have made up a dream house in your mind, and would like to share your idea with others.

Many artists show houses in their work. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner liked to paint houses uses very expressive colors. That means not real life colors, but joyful, interesting and exciting colors.

What colors do you see. Can you use beautiful colors to design a an imaginary or realistic house?

Can you add details like you drew last week? 

Windows     Door     Roof     Chimney     Doorknobs     Shutters     Fence     Flowers     Garage

"The Green House"

"Houses in Dresden"

"The Big Orange Splot"

Art lesson

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Unit 3 Explore Buildings & Communities - Draw a House from Observation



2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

What materials do yere used to make your house? Wood, brick, concrete, stone, metal etc.

How can you show that in a piece of art? Line, shape, color

What are some important details to include in your house? 

 Life would be much more challenging if we didn't have strong buildings that protect us. Houses around the world look different depending on where you live and what materials they are made from.

P1010196.jpg (630×800)

My dream house has bricks and rectangle windows. I drew my house like I remember my house is.

Architects are important, they design the buildings we live and work in.

Today we are going to make Architect Drawings by looking at a building closely and drawing what we see. Maybe you will be surprised by the things you notice when you look closely!

Book - Dreaming up: A Celebration of Building by Christy Hale

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

2/17-18/21 AMI Day


Choose your favorite! If you want to share you can have your grown up share it with us on the Festus Elementary Art Facebook page!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Explore Buildings and Communities: Create a Collage City

Create a Collage City 


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

Buildings are all around us!

Let's take some time to talk about the important and interesting buildings that are in our lives.

What would life be like if we didn't have buildings?

Where would we eat or sleep or learn?

An artist named Romare Bearden loved the buildings on his street. He created many important works of art about them. 

There is so much going on in this long collage, lets look more closely at a few sections.

Where can you see rectangles?

What other shapes can you find?

What are some of the buildings in your town used for?
This building has a barber shop.

Can you tell what this building was made out of? 
How does the artist show what is happening inside the building?

Today we are going to create buildings using shapes we cut out of paper to create a Collage City!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Found Object Faces-Extra Art AMI-X

 Found Object Plate Portraits

original lesson from

 This is my cat Breyer posing with the found object portrait I made- Mrs. Junge

This past month, each one of you created a self-portrait, or a picture of yourself. 
For this project, we are going to make a portrait, the face of someone else! 

Here are the steps: 

1. Pick a plate- Could be a ceramic, plastic, or paper plate.

2. Collect some supplies from around your house, including small toys, kitchen items, craft supplies, office supplies, or foods. 

3. Identify parts of the face and sort objects into categories such as eyes, mouths, noses, etc. 

4. Create a portrait using the objects. Move items around to make different faces, have fun with it!

5. Put items back where they belong. 

more examples:
photos by George Isamar,
an art teacher in Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Self-Portrait Lesson 3

Instructions: Students will be designing their clothing, and coloring it in using oil pastel. 
Students will choose the paint that matches their hair color, and paint their hair using tempera paint.

Video Lesson: 

Materials Needed: 
Oil Pastels 
Tempera Paint

Elmo's World, All About Faces

Monday, January 11, 2021

Self-Portraits Lesson 2

 Self Portraits- Coloring 

Book: "Colors of Us" by Karen Katz
Help students choose their skin color and students color their skin with crayon
Students look in mirror at eye color and color eyes and lips in crayon
Materials Needed: 
End of Class Book: "The Skin You Live In" by Michael Tyler

The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

Lesson Demo.

The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler

Day 3-5 Instructions:
Coming soon!

Lesson and pictures are from Cassie Stephens' blog. Cassie Stephens is an art teacher in Nashville, TN. Click here to see the full lesson.