Virtual Classroom

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Explore Clay Day

Exploring Clay

Artists have made art out of clay for a very long time, and have made many different kinds of objects using their hands to pinch, pull, poke and smooth the clay.

How can you use your hands to change the shape of clay?

  1. Distribute Clay 
  2. Students explore squeezing, poking, and pinching and pulling the clay.
  3. Questions/Observations:
    How is clay similar/different than play-doh?
    Compare how it looks, feels, and smells.

Part II. Making and Joining forms

  1. Demonstrate how to make a few simple forms
  2. Show students how to temporarily join the forms by pressing the clay together.
  3. Have students make an object.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Air Dry Clay-AMI Day- April 5, 2022


AMI Day Lesson- Air Dry Clay

 2 Ingredient

Air Dry Clay

Artists are very creative people and can come up with lots of ways to make art, even if they don't have a lot of supplies. 

Have you ever used something that isn't an art supply to make art? Maybe cardboard, masking tape, a sock, leaves...

This week we can explore that idea by making our very own clay! The best part is it only uses 2 ingredients that many people have at home, Flour and Hair Conditioner. Watch this video...

1/2 cup Flour (or cornstarch)
4 Tbl. Hair conditioner (or lotion)

If you enjoyed this activity, there are many other recipes for making clay. I found several by doing a search for 'air dry clay'.

Don't forget to share pictures of your creations on our Facebook Page!