Virtual Classroom

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Artists at Work: Kindergarten Playground Sculptures

 Making a Paper Playground Sculpture:


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

A. Play & Ideation

Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

Today we are going to make a paper sculpture of a playground.
Sculpture is three-dimensional. You can see it from many sides because it stands up from the base. 
When we make paper sculpture, we cut, fold, curl and glue the paper to make it stand. 

Think about last time you played on a playground...
What were some of your favorite things to play on?

Paper sculpture techniques:
Accordian Fold 

Video for techniques:

Friday, September 15, 2023

Artists at Work: Meet The Paintbrush

Painting at Last!!!


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

Today, we are going to become friends with our paintbrush.
We are going to learn different ways to hold and control the marks we make with this new tool.

Every painting begins with a brushstroke. A brushstroke is a mark made by a paintbrush.
What kinds of brushstrokes do you see in these paintings?

Wassily Kandinsky, Untitled

Franz Kline, Mahoning

Exploring the Paintbrush, how to hold, and control movement:

  • parts of paintbrush--bristle, ferrule, handle
  • how to hold a paintbrush
  • Children locate shoulder, elbow wrist and finger, hold joint with free hand. Pretend to paint in air moving each joint. Notice how the length of the brushstroke changes.

Artists at Work:
Guided Practice Video

Long straight line, leave a space, paint another
Curved line
Wavy line
Dashed line

Ma Lien and the Magic Brush, Hisako Kimishim

Monday, September 11, 2023

Paper Play! Cutting & Tearing Paper

  Paper Play! 


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

A. Play & Ideation

Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

Tearing Paper
Artists sometimes use their hands to tear paper. 
What kind of shapes do you see?
Why do you think this artist used torn shapes? 

from Leo Lionni's book Frederick

Paper tearing: Using your hands as tools to change the shape of paper

  • With the grain
  • Against the grain
  • Finger position
  • Tearing a Line
  • Tearing a Shape

Video for tearing and cutting

Cutting Paper
Artists use scissors as tools to change the shape of paper.  
How can you tell that the artist cut these shapes with scissors?
What shapes do you see?

The Snail by Henri Matisse

Cutting Shapes:
  • Using Scissors
    -safety-how to hold
    -scissors poem
  • Cutting squares, rectangles, and triangles
    -using more than one strategy

Arranging Shapes: 

What will you think about as you arrange your shapes? 

Try several arrangements

Dog made by Kindergarten student

Share Time/Reflection:
What two ways can you make shapes with paper? 
What kind of shapes can you make by tearing? cutting? 
Which method to you enjoy most?

Friday, September 1, 2023

Artists at Work: Crayon

 What can I do with a crayon?


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

A. Skill Acquisition

Through experimentation on, build skills in various media and approaches to art making.

Experiment with Crayon Techniques: Using the tip and side of the crayon, and creating a rubbing using crayon

As artists we will discover many ways to use materials in the art room. 

What is a crayon, and how is it made?

How to make a crayon video link

Let's try some different ways we can 
 use our crayons!

Materials needed:
2 or 3 of broken, peeled crayons
2 half sheets of copy paper
Small piece of consruction paper and a few small squares of construction paper
glue stick

Video Lesson

The Day the Crayons Quit