Virtual Classroom

Friday, February 23, 2024

All About Me - Collections

 collection is a group of things.

What kinds of things do people collect?

Why do people have collections?

Today you will make a collage. You will cut pictures out of  magazines to make a collection of your own. 

How did you decide which pictures to choose for your collection?

Monday, February 12, 2024

All about Me- My Favorite Things


My Favorite Things


I am an Artist-These are a few of my Favorite Things 

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

What were some of the children's favorite things?

Artists are inspired by things they like and do. 
Today we are going to be drawing some of our favorite things. 

Large piece of paper
Sharpie or marker
Crayons/markers to color after drawing (optional)

Demo Video

What are your favorite things?
Favorite animal?
Favorite food?
Favorite season?
Favorite insect?
Favorite activity?
Favorite toy?
Favorite game?
Favorite outfit?
Favorite movie character?
Favorite holiday?
Favorite people?

Circle the drawing of your most favorite thing!
Color if you have time!

Share/Reflect: Share your one very favorite thing

                                                                       Love is my Favorite Thing

Monday, February 5, 2024

My Bedroom

 My Bedroom


7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.

A. Perceive

Identify uses of art within one's personal environment

Do you have any art in your home or in your bedroom? Do you have a lamp that is shaped like a dinosaur or a unicorn? A designer made that. 

We spent several weeks exploring buildings in art class. But everything so far has been about the outside.  Today let's explore the inside of houses.  The inside is certainly just as important!

Draw a Picture of your Bedroom!

Bedroom Furniture

IT's My Room

Art with Mati and Dada: Van Gogh