Virtual Classroom

Thursday, April 25, 2024

James Rizzi Cityscapes (sub plan)

 James Rizzi is an artist who lived in New York City. His cartoonish Pop Art style is interesting and fun to look at. He loved the excitement of New York city and that most definitely shows in his art!

James Rizzi Art

Art Tutorial

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Clay-Pinch Pots


Pinch pots-Hands as tools

Today, we are making pinch pots out of clay! 

Natural clay comes from the earth. It is made up of fine-grained particles of rock that are broken down over many years and then mixed with water. Clay can be different colors ranging from grey to red-orange, to brown.

The color of the clay depends on the rocks and minerals that it is made of. 

Can you think of things made from clay? 
Flower pots, plates, cups, bowls, sculptures and bricks are all made from clay.

You can make a pinch pot with clay by making a ball, pressing your thumb into the clay and squeezing it between your finger and your thumb.

The only art tool we will need to make our pinch pots is our hands!

Steps to making a pinch pot

Dave the Potter

Monday, April 15, 2024

Explore Clay Day


Exploring Clay

Artists have made art out of clay for a very long time, and have made many different kinds of objects using their hands to pinch, pull, poke and smooth the clay.

How can you use your hands to change the shape of clay?

  1. Distribute Clay 
  2. Students explore squeezing, poking, and pinching and pulling the clay.
  3. Questions/Observations:
    How is clay similar/different than play-doh?
    Compare how it looks, feels, and smells.

Part II. Making and Joining forms

  1. Demonstrate how to make a few simple forms
  2. Show students how to temporarily join the forms by pressing the clay together.
  3. Have students make an object.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Pretend Restaurant Sculpting with Play-doh

 Making food using play-doh or clay! 

List some foods!
chicken leg

Demonstrate making with clay
sphere -rolling between hands and on table
coil-rolling like a snake
slab (flattening)-like a pancake- press, not pound
smoothing pieces together to join

Imagine you own a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve? 

Students will create a paper menu 
Students will make the food on their menu out of play doh or clay for their restaurant, using the skills demonstrated When finished with the food, put on a plate.

Video Lesson:


Video for end of class:

Grover serves a sandwich