Virtual Classroom

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Extra Art Working as Artists--Bean Mosaics

A mosaic is a picture made of a lot of tiny parts. 

Mosaics were originally made out of tiles, but artists today make mosaics out of many things!  Today we are going to make bean mosaics! 

My son Seth and his bean Pikachu! Now he can make a background out of beans too.

Demonstrate making a bean mosaic. 

  1. Have students line up and get cardboard and a sharpie
  2. Students write their name on the cardboard. 
  3. Turn cardboard over so that name is on the back. 
  4. Distribute glue and paintbrushes.
  5. Students work independently creating a bean mosaic. 
  6. When students finish, have them pick up any stray beans, and sort all their beans, so that the cups are organized for the next classs. 
  7. Have students leave their work on their tables, and have them come to the carpet to watch the video (If there is time.)
  8. After the video, have students return to their seats and stand behind their chair. Remind students to hold their work flat as they line up.
  9. Students may take their bean mosaics home. 

Original Lesson on

Bean Mosaic 1
Bean Mosaic 2

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