Virtual Classroom

Monday, April 27, 2020

Drawing to Music-Art at Home

Drawing to Music

Music is part of our lives. Music can connect us to our feelings, it can comfort, entertain, relax or energize us! Sometimes artists get their inspiration to make art from listening to music. 

In this lesson you are going choose a piece of music, listen to it, and create a piece of art inspired by the sounds and the feeling of the music. 

1. Set out any drawing materials you have around the house.
   (pencil, paper, crayons, pens, markers, etc.)

2. Choose a piece of music from the three musical pieces below.

3. Close your eyes and LISTEN to the music for one minute.

4. Ask your child: What did you notice? Did the music make you think of a story? How did the music feel? Did it remind you of any colors?

5. Restart the same piece of music and draw!

Variations: Try painting to music, or have your child choose one of his or her favorite songs for the music!




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