Virtual Classroom

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Week 1: Intro. to Art/ Draw a Person 2020-21

Assignment: Draw a picture of a person from head to toe.

We do this activity at the beginning and end of each year so we can see how our our drawings change as we practice and grow as artists.

Beginning of Year
End of Year 

Supplies Needed:

1. Pencil and eraser
2. Studio Practice Book or 1 piece of white paper
3. Crayons (if you choose to color)


1. Write your first and last name at the top of the paper in pencil
2. Using pencil, draw your person from head to toe (the whole body) and draw big enough so that you can add details. 
3. Add a background to go with your person. 
4. If you want to color, color lightly in crayon. Otherwise all of your details will get hidden under the color.

VA: Cr, Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Teacher's Notes:

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery
and art making. We will draw, collage, paint, make sculpture. We are going to learn
what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist, because we are all artists.

Who here is an artist?

    Take care of people
    Take care of stuff
    Behave like an artist

    You are the artist.
    The art room is your studio.

    1. Assigned Seats (when students enter room)
    2. Draw a Person with pencil /Name already written by teacher
    Draw 5 minutes (timed, pencils only)
    3. Collect Papers

    Paper #2 Writing name on paper-this one is for you to take home

    Think about something beautiful (Envision)
    -think about something you love
    -what do you think is really cool?
    Can you draw a picture of that ?
    Pencils, crayons, Markers

    Clean up expectations:
    Clean up song:
    1. Silent/no talking
    2. Everyone should help clean up their table
    3.Put your head down

    At the end of class we meet at the carpet to discuss what we did during studio time.
    This is our meeting spot and our thinking spot.

    How did that go for you?
    What drawing materials did you use?
    Raise your hand
    Done early
    Not done

    Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on .
    In school we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.
    Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

    Line Up Time.
    Practice line up expectations.
    Feet on tape
    Facing forward

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