Virtual Classroom

Monday, November 27, 2023

What buildings are in your city? -Collage City

 Create a Collage City 


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

Buildings are all around us!

Let's take some time to talk about the important and interesting buildings that are in our lives.

What would life be like if we didn't have buildings?

Where would we eat or sleep or learn?

An artist named Romare Bearden loved the buildings on his street. He created many important works of art about them. 

There is so much going on in this long collage, lets look more closely at a few sections.

Where can you see rectangles?

What other shapes can you find?

What are some of the buildings in your town used for?
This building has a barber shop.

Can you tell what this building was made out of? 
How does the artist show what is happening inside the building?

Today we are going to create buildings using shapes we cut out of paper to create a Collage City!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Giving Thanks

 When was the last time you said "Thank You"?

Thank you are two pretty special words.
Maybe you said "Thank you" when your teacher tied your shoes, or your friend said "I like your art"

It is always a good time to say Thank You, but this week we celebrate something called Thanksgiving
Basically a whole day dedicated to giving thanks for the good things in our lives. 

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my pets.

I am thankful for YOU!

There are many ways to say thank you. Can you think of any?
- Writing a note
- Doing something nice for someone
- Giving a gift

There is another way to say thank you. We can use sign language! 
Let's practice.

Next time when you want to say "thank you", use your sign language.

Let's listen to a story about giving thanks. It may help us remember all the wonderful things that are in the world around us.

One of the things I am most thankful for is the food I eat each day. 
That is something all humans share, we all need and appreciate the food the eat.
We can make a symbol for food, by creating a piece of Maize, a kind of corn grown by people native to the Americas. Maize is colorful and interesting. 
This corn can help us remember to say "Thank You"

Friday, November 10, 2023

Cloud Painting

 Have You Ever Made Art Inspired by Clouds in the Sky? 


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

C. Creating Interactions with Art

Create art that represents natural and constructed environments

Today we are going to imagine that we are looking up at the clouds in the sky. Paint what you see.


Large White Paper
Blue Watercolor
Sharpie and Crayons

Video Lesson

Friday, November 3, 2023

Oil Pastel Leaves

Today we are going to be looking closely at leaves and drawing all of the detail that we can see. 

The word Observe means to look at something closely, so when an artist looks closely at something and draws it in detail, we call that, drawing from observation. 

We are going to use a new kind of drawing tool today. In past lessons we have explored crayon, chalk pastel to draw. Today we will be using oil pastel.
Oil pastel is a kind of drawing tool. Each pastel is a stick, made of pigment (colored powder) mixed with a non-drying oil and wax. Oil pastels are like cousins to crayons.
You will notice that these beautiful drawing tools color on bright, smooth and creamy.

A variety of brown and tan 9x12 construction paper 
Oil Pastels
Photos of a variety of leaves