Virtual Classroom

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Giving Thanks

 When was the last time you said "Thank You"?

Thank you are two pretty special words.
Maybe you said "Thank you" when your teacher tied your shoes, or your friend said "I like your art"

It is always a good time to say Thank You, but this week we celebrate something called Thanksgiving
Basically a whole day dedicated to giving thanks for the good things in our lives. 

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my pets.

I am thankful for YOU!

There are many ways to say thank you. Can you think of any?
- Writing a note
- Doing something nice for someone
- Giving a gift

There is another way to say thank you. We can use sign language! 
Let's practice.

Next time when you want to say "thank you", use your sign language.

Let's listen to a story about giving thanks. It may help us remember all the wonderful things that are in the world around us.

One of the things I am most thankful for is the food I eat each day. 
That is something all humans share, we all need and appreciate the food the eat.
We can make a symbol for food, by creating a piece of Maize, a kind of corn grown by people native to the Americas. Maize is colorful and interesting. 
This corn can help us remember to say "Thank You"

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