Virtual Classroom

Monday, August 26, 2024

Artists Work with Natural Materials

 Artists work with Natural Materials


1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

A. Play & Ideation

Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials

Materials for making art are all around us!
Some artists make art from natural materials.
Materials from NATURE that we can use to make art.
examples include: rocks, sticks, leaves, flowers, grasses, feathers, clay etc.

  • Intro, Watch the first part of the video
  • Pass out rocks, students sort rocks
  • Video part 2, Students arrange their rocks to create pictures, stories, etc.
  • Book
How did you decide to sort your rocks? 
How did you decide to arrange your rocks?

Rhonda's Rock Hunt

Scribble Stones

         original lesson 8/24/16

                Artmaking Using Natural Materials

Materials for making art are all around us!
Some artists make art from natural materials.

What are natural materials? 
Materials from nature that we can use to make art.
Can you tell what natural materials these artists used to make their art?

Arranging Stones
Explore the Materials:

  • Special stones
  • How many ways can you think of to sort the stones?
  • Describe arrangement and title work.

How did you decide to sort your rocks? 
Did you work alone or with a  partner/ as a table?
How did you decide to arrange your rocks?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Introduction to Kindergarten Art

 Introduction to Art

Students come in and stand on the line. Quick Greeting-

This year you will have a special place to sit when you come to our art class.I'm going to show you those special places now.
I want you to listen for your name. When you hear your name come over to me.
Sit in your special place. I will point to it.

Seat students

Welcome to art class! We are going to have an exciting year together in art, full of discovery
and art making. We will draw, collage, paint, and make sculpture. We are going to learn
what it means to be an artist and how to work like an artist because we are all artists.

Now we are going to create some art....
Think about something beautiful (Envision)
-think about something you love
-what do you think is really cool?
Can you draw a picture of that ? Can you glue down shapes to make a picture?
Use your imagination to make something beautiful.

glue stick
paper shapes/newspaper
google eyes (1 set)

Clean up expectations:
Clean up song:
1. Silent/no talking/whisper voices
2. Everyone should help clean up their table
3.Put your head down

What did you make?
What drawing materials did you use?
How were you brave when you made your art? Did you try something new?

*Remind students to raise their hand and wait to be called on.
In school, we are respectful by raising our hands when we have something to say.
Thank individual students for being respectful and raising their hands.

                                                                            Art Song

Line Up Time.
Practice line up expectations.
Feet on tape
Facing forward